Mon 27 Jan
$$$Now hiring escorts and drivers!!! all ethnic Start NOW 1000+ a night $$$ - 30
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens)
BRAND NEW!! ▬▬💄Upscαlε 💋 ▬▬💋 BrEαthTαKinG 💄 ▬ 💋 pεtitε αnd sweet 💄 Girℓ Nεxt Door ▬▬💄BRAND NEW - 21
(Oklahoma City, Outcalls Only)
Midtown East Incall Now Hiring..... Apply Today....Start ASAP.... Make $$$ ASAP - 19
(Manhattan, Midtown)
Lady’s: no more Struggle! If you are behind on Bills and need Extra Income Read this AD now! - 36
(Manhattan, NYC)
_______ BUSY BUSY BUSY _______ Looking for Attractive, Friendly, Outgiong Bodyrub Girls ______ FT/PT - 38
♛♥ 2 hot girls are always better than one ♛♥ 808.498.7190♛♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ 100% INDEPENDENT - 21
(Las Vegas, Near Las Vegas strip)
2 for $250 💜💜 Hookup With The freakiest chicks of BP 💜💜 ULTIMATE vEGAS experience 💜 - 22
(Las Vegas, The Strip, VEGAS STRIP TO YOUR ROOM)
~*~ AmaZinG SweeT BeaUTiFuL & CLaSS ~ OuTCaLL SpEciALs All NiTe ~ - 25
(Oklahoma City, (outcall) okc & surrounding areas)
Entertainment executive needs a Live-in Personal Assistant $$$$$ THE RIGHT GIRL COULD START TODAY! - 40
(Beverly Hills, Manhattan)
—————————————— █ ♥ 2 GIRL SPECIAL ♥ █ ——————————————— - 29
(Las Vegas, 2mins From The Strip........)
— ஐ My Place Is Yours💃 ஐ —JaMAiCan — ஐ BaBe - 21
(Inglewood / Hawthorne, Inglewood 105Fwy, Los Angeles)
⚫.*°•.GENTLEMEN ONLY! ⚪ Nice n' NAUGHTY 🔵 Hot & SEXxY 🔴 GIFTED Mouth! ⚫MAGIC hands! - 42
(Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, SFV*916*821.2100*°•FaNtAsY is YOURS!)
Girls needed for Busy Escort agency !!! APPLY TODAY START TODAY!! - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, NY, Queens, Westchester)
Amazing Specials *:• EBONY BOMBSHELL♥★ *:•☆THiCk PHAt BOOTy♥★ YOUR ❶1st CHOICE★*:• ☆SUPER FReaK*:•☆ - 23
(Tacoma, Incall Bremerton/ Outcall bremerton)
💎💋💎💖♛💖💎💋💎 ATTenTION GENtleMEN 🍒 I'm BETTER than the REST ❤ DESCRIBED as the BEST .. 💎💋💎💖♛💖💎💋💎 - 25
(Oklahoma City)
❗️❗️❗️Looking for top drivers for our MODELS WE EXPANDED and need more drivers for a Female OWENED. bu - 21
(Manhattan, The whole tri state)
🎅🎄🎅→★♥ Ξ ●╮Ѕanta, I've been a bad girl this year... ╰●Ξ ♥★← 🎅🎄🎅 - 19
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city (prefer to travel))
★☆→ ◆Available NOW◆ ←☆★→ ◆seductive brunetthe beauty◆ ←☆★→ ◆ask about my 💋 specials◆ ←★☆
(Oklahoma City, N.okc)
〓❤️〓🌺〓🌺 BEST OUTCALL🌺〓🎩〓🎩〓🌺〓💖 BEST SERVICES 〓🌺〓❤️〓💙〓💖〓🌺〓BEST GIRL 〓💖〓🐾〓🎩〓🌺〓Are You READY 👠👠〓💖〓🌺〓❤️〓🌺〓 - 21
(City of Seattle, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, 🍒🍒TOP ESCORT OUTCALL ANYWHERE🍒❎🍒❎🍒❎🍒❎🍒❎🍒)
$eeking a Very “Handy” and Extremely $ensual Woman for $exy Bedtime Backrubs - 40
(Manhattan, Downtown Manhattan)
Delivery Job - (men & Women) deliver penthouse playmates & models (earn a 6 figure income) - 53
******2GirlS Blonde *and*Brunette n 100% ReaL and Independent**!!! - 22
(Las Vegas, Las vegas Strip Outcall)
~*100$ Outcalls Only~* Come Enjoy Yourself*~With The Ultimate AMERICAN Princess*~In Town For 2days - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland Outcalls Outcals Outcalls)
**$ 60 Specials ALL NIGHT *** Sexy Mixed Treat 38dds OUT CALL 😍😍😘😗😗 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Saticoy and sepulveda)
💖 19 yr old College SoPhMoRe☆°•%100 Real!! 👅Look At My Profile Verification Picture• 💖 - 19
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL, The Strip)
------- ((( 100% satisfaction is my #1 priority )))----------- - 24
(Cleveland, West &East; Cleveland)
(❤❤(50!$ half hour))((One RATE))💖💖💕💕💎💎💋Happy vday! ❤💗💖❤💋💎💕💕💖Trucker friendly💗💎💎💕💗 - 21
(Oklahoma City, new location s,i-35 and st 29th,)
100hh Splash outcall I'M €V€RYTH¡Ng Ur LØØK¡Ng 4 & MØR€ so L€T'S K€€p €ACH Øth€R CØMPanY 2N¡GHT - 22
(Oklahoma City, outcall only)
▬▬▬ 1OO% REAL PICS and VIDEO ▬▬▬ 1OO% NATURAL 36dds ▬▬▬ 1OO% REVIEWED Blonde BEAUTY ▬▬▬ - 27
(Las Vegas, nw private incall /strip / locals / outs, The Strip)
160 💗💗flat 💗NO UPSELL 💗morning special before 11am!!💗💗702 713 4748. busty single mom goes to you ! - 33
For all those who looking for a dam good time call Daisy!$$$$ - 23
(Memphis, Barlett subdivision area)
$100 Specials 💋💋💋💋_________💎💎 [☆T!GHT ☆ YOUNG ☆ HOTT!E☆ ] 💎💎_________ 💋💋💋💋 $100 Specials - 22
(Oklahoma City, Available In Oklahoma City Right Now)
💋Nude Sensual Full Body Oil Massage💋 OUTCALL ONLY!! - 32
(Madison, Madison, Sauk, Baraboo, Wis Dells and su)
$40$40$40🎅🎄🎄 New YEARS SPECIAL 🎄🎄🎅$40$40$40NEW YeaRs Special $40$40$40 - 22
(Oklahoma, Oklahoma City)
★ $150 INCALL ---THE HOT GIRL NEXT DOOR you've BEEN wanting ¦:•-HOT BRUNETTE Bombshell INCALL★🔥🔥 - 21
(Incalls/Outcalls, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
💖💖 19 yr old College Student☆°•JuIcY L!P$ 👅My Sk!LLs Will 💋MaKe U LoSe Ur miNd°• 💖💖 - 19
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL, The Strip)
$100Special $100Special *BaD G!RLs ::: DO !T BeTtER ::: 1 Of ThE BaDDeST *$100Special $100Special - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall(desert inn durango) Outcalls)
Let's have fun🌹 I wanna be your 🍭sugar baby 🍼 - 30
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Cleveland, Everywherre)
********** 100 0UTCALL $PECIAL$ ********** $PICY LATINA PLEA$URE ********** - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcall)
❤ ೋ _-THE-_ _-ONE-_ _-YOUR-_ _-MOTHER-_ _-WARNED-_ _-YOU-_ _-ABOUT-_ ೋ ❤ - 20
(Upscale scottsdale In/Out Hotel Friendly)
💋💋💜 Princess Leah - x0 , 🎈 OUTCALLS ONLY....🔙🔛🔝 ➖➖➕ i 💙 OVERNIGHTS -- 💠 - 24
(Brampton, Guelph, Hamilton, OUTCALLS ONLY, Toronto)
#1 Pℓαγmαtε ❤❤ ★☆★LET ME °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶°— ROCK — 🎸🎸🎸— YOUR WORLD — °🎶🎵🎶🎵 - 21
(Las Vegas, out call, SouthWest)
_____ ::: S_I _M_P_L_Y :::_____ ::T_H_E:: ____ ::: B_E_S_T::: ____ S P E C I A L S - 20
(iN or Out Calls)
(( S u P e R -- )) --- (( G o R g E o U s )) --- (( B runette -- p l A y M a T e )) - 25
FREE massage late night special 😍Starkville /Columbus great service discreet💋💋💋📸😚662-352-8422 - 22
(North Mississippi, Starkville columbus)