Sun 26 Jan
* ★ ¨*:•Upscale•* ★ ¨:•Sexy•* ★ *•Sensual•:* ★ ¨*:•Stunning•:* ★ :•Classy •:★ - 31
(Otp North, Atlanta,Chamblee,Roswell,Buckhead)
🔥 @Vikki24hrs💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻Video Verified📹 Watch My B🏀🏀Ty BOUNCE📽🎥 AvAiLabLe NOW... Catch Me while You CAN!!! - 25
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Outcall Dwntwn, MidTwn, Bkhead)
@Very Long haired Brunette Cougar loves BDSM is totally submissive and you can have your way with ME - 40
(¯`.♥ ´¯) Can You Take The Heat?.... Cause Daddy I'm Hotttttt (¯`.♥ ´¯) - 25
👐❤️ Body 2 Body Nude Rub 💋🌺$60/hr💋🌺Monday 9:30am to 11pm🌺❤️1 hr notice❤️ - 39
(Hwy 395 North., Reno)
♬♪▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▇ ★▄Miss Kitty !▄ ♥late night special ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, San Fernando Valley in●out)
UPSCALE OutCALL ONly 2 Nite😍 Sweet Suductive MaRiE👉🏼sexy PETITE Body😻Can't wait to be your FANTASY 💦 - 23
(Atlanta, Otp North, smyrna Sandy springs norcross chamblee)
USCALE Sexy White BBW n JAMAICAN FETISH QUEEN!! 120 for hour for 1 !!!2 GIRL spcl DOMINATRIX 2 - 23
(Otp East, marietta outcalls welcomed)
Cook Off Specials!! Non-Rushed✅ Full Satisfaction✅ Guaranteed to 🌋✅✅💋💋...🌕🌖🌗🌒🌑Day Or Nite💋 - 26
(Nugget Incall!! Outcall Anywhere!!!, Reno)
Upnorth Mixed Redbone Ready For Action*Specials all day n night* - 20
(Athens, Greensboro*BY EXIT*,ga)
_V_____ E_____ R_____ R_____Y ———•••———— F_____ R____ E ____ A _____K____Y__ OUTCALL - 22
(Otp North, Smyrna,Marietta buckhead&more;)
💓 ¥ÖUR FR€AK¥ G€Ni€! ₪💎₪ ◄☰❖☰► RŮB M€ AÑD◄☰❖☰► iLL GŔANŤ AŁŁ ¥OŮR ◄☰❖☰► KiNKi€ST 💋 WiSH€S ☰▒💎▒☰ - 23
Upscale Busty Ebony for Men 35+*** Hor3ny, REAL Pics & Great Skills** - 27
(Otp North, incall/outcall)
**** Two freaky fun red girls ready to play!!!**** Sunshine & NuNu - 23
(Blvd./moreland/close 2 downtown)
TREAT YOURSELF -- Come over and F💧I💧L💧L me up - BLONDE CREAMPUFF - Open Late for outcalls - 24
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta)
💕❤❤I'm Your Exotic Erotic Dream Come True, Get Soaked With Me! 💏Erotic Nude Massage💋💋H120, HH75 - 38
(Anaheim, Fullerton, Orange County, Western & Orangethorpe Buena Park)
There is nothing Hotter and Sexy then Me.... Special Special BBW Quicktrips 30 - 29
(atlanta 20/285 M.L.K)
🌟The Ultimate💕Beautiful Redbone Exotic Sexy Busty BBW Playmate✨ Let's Play Daddy💋 $60 HH Special - 34
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Norcross, Jimmy Carter Blvd, Incalls, Otp East, Otp North, Otp South, Otp West)
SEXAPPEALMODELS the Premier Agency in the US ,is hiring beautiful girls ,start making $$$ today! - 33
(Miami, Miami/New York)
💋💋💋 The Ultimate Companion! Sexy & Sophisticated! AMAZiNG ExOtiC BOdY!! 💋💋 - 21
(Otp East, 285 e, chamblee tucker, near lavista)
The # 1 Cam Site Worldwide is Now Hiring Male and Female Models! $6.99 Per Min! All Types Welcome! - 28
Seeking Female & Male Talent For Pro Adult Film, Music Videos & More - 24
(Miami, Miami, Broward, Palm Beach)
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, hotel room)
Photographer seeks fit hot female to make 5-10k a month - 43
(Florida Keys, fort lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach)
•(——— •★___ INDePeNDeNT____ —34DD — —BLONDE— BARBiE— —— —___B_ O _M_B_S_H_E_L_L_ _★•—— - 21
(Orange County, 55/DYER incalls *120*120*120*120*120*)
Looking to be Famous, RECOGNIZED, and Safely, Make up to $15,000 MONTHLY. No Escorting - 32
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami-LA)
💕❤❤I'm Your Exotic Erotic Dream Come True, Get Soaked With Me! 💏Erotic Nude Massage💋💋H120, HH75 - 38
(Anaheim, Fullerton, Orange County, Western & Orangethorpe Buena Park)
IMPERIAL BEAUTYWORKS OPEN Minded & Caring Asian Girls to pamper you. - 22
(Orange County, 10022 Imperial Ave # C, #G, Garden Grove)
With our Vivid name and your vivid looks, Make $100,000 a year w/o ever getting out of bed! ◄ - 21
(Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, Work From Home)
Thick and Juicee SmooTh ChoColate Delight/ Hourly SpeCials!!! - 27
(dunwoody, roswell, marietta, cobb county)
THE REAL BIG BOOTY GODDESS📱💵💋Fat AZz & big b00bs☎💵💄I can make it bounce & jiggle all on it💳💰💵📞 - 21
The reasons you should call me today, tonight, tomorrow and why I will stay on your mind - 30
(400 N)
~*~THE ~*~REAL~*~ MS. ~*~BECKY ~*~ CUM~*~TRY~*~ ME~*~OUT ~*~ 30Q ~ 60HH ~ 90H ~ (Becky Only)
(Atlanta /Buckhead)
The girl next door you've been dreaming of
(Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Macon, Northwest Georgia, Savannah, Statesboro, Valdosta, hotel room)
::*¨¨*:: ;.:*Ta$T RoYaLty ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* Gt YoUr Hony DiP ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* - 21
(6flags area . Batt dead)
TaG TeaM Duo Special s $$$ 2 4 100 all day !!!!!!!!! or just 1 - 25
t _ r _ y _ - me - _ - i _ m - _ - the - _ - b _ e _ s _ t - _- $80 -_- s _ p _ e _ c _ i _ a _ l - - 20
(Atlanta, north druid hills)
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ TALL & BEAUTIFUL ¤ GODDESS~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ( * COLLEGE * CUTIE * ) *~ *Specials * ~ *
(Atlanta, Marietta)
TaG TeaM Duo 4 HaNdS Special s $$$ 2 4 100 all day !!!!!!!!! or just 1 - 25
Take a trip with LADY~D & you'll find comfort with my 44dd's! *50 special* - 38
(cartersville, marietta)
SWeeT~~P E T I T E~~E X C H A N G E~~S T U D E N T or T E A C H E R~~4E R O T I C~~S E S S I O N! - 19
(atlanta north 646.580 5830)
★• _T_H_E •☆• _F_U_N_ •★• S_T_A_R_T S •☆• H_E_R_E •★*~* ITALIAN_ _NeW In ToWn - 27
(Otp North, CARTERSVILLE In/Out)
[..☆..]_ T ☆ R ☆ U ☆ E _[..☆..]_ B ☆ E ☆ A ☆ U ☆ T ☆ Y _[..☆..] OUTCALL ONLY - 23
(Atlanta, Atlanta Midtown & Buckhead OUTCALL)
( ¯`·._.· ☆ |::: SwEeT:::| HoT :::| Brunette :::| ☆ ;·._.·´¯ ) S P E C I A L S ! - 20
(Atlanta IN/OUT)
SWEET Petite what a treat, very sexy and voted america's hottest centerfold !!! ( SERENE - 20